<International Circulation>: Cardiovascular disease is common throughout the world. As developed nations increasingly practic....
<International Circulation>: A lot of work has been done by yourself and others on selection criteria for coronary revascular....
<International Circulation>: Improvements in heathcare actually leads to the increase in the incidence of some conditions, su....
<International Circulation>: Other than primary pulmonary hypertension, many other conditions can cause pulmonary hypertensio....
<International Circulation>: As an overview of the current state of heart failure management, what do you advocate as the imp....
<International Circulation>: Could you firstly outline the differences in efficacy and safety between transradial interventio....
<International Circulation>: The incidence of hypertension globally is high and national health systems energetically seek to....
<International Circulation>: Warfarin as a classical anticoagulant drug is widely used in clinical practice. If the dose of w....
<International Circulation>: we have many techniques to identify vulnerable plaque and with the development of new technologies, th....
<International Circulation>: In clinical practice, it is difficult, if not inappropriate, to diagnose based on signs and symp....